Back in the days, it was totally acceptable for parents to give their children a cap full of whiskey to sooth a sore throat. Even the over the counter cough syrup you bought at the pharmacy often contained cocaine, heroin or cannabis to help with pain relief.
These days if you gave your child a drink a whiskey for a cold you’d likely have a couple of government workers banging down your door to haul you off to jail. And while cough syrup no longer contains illegal substances, that has been replaced with a myriad of synthetic chemicals that we can’t even pronounce. So what alternative do we have?
Before you grab for that bottle of Robitussin, check out this proven recipe for homemade cough syrup.
Things You’ll Need:
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 Tablespoon honey
1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
2 Tablespoons water
Small Jar
Step 1
First you will need to wash out any small jar with soap and hot water. I used a small jam jar that I no longer needed. Dry it out with a paper towel.
Step 2
Now add all of the ingredients to the jar and shake well. Make sure the ingredients are well incorporated.
Step 3
Take 3 teaspoons of the syrup as needed for cough and/or irritated sore throat.
Step 4
Keep any unused portion in the refrigerator.
I will go ahead and warn you that the taste is not pleasant but it will get the job done. I have found this recipe to be particularly useful in treating that persistent cough that wants to hang on long after the cold is over.
Also see:
The Surprising Benefits of Honey
Alternative Medicine in a Survival Scenario
***Disclaimer*** I am not a medical doctor and this advice is not to be considered a replacement for professional medical services. If you have a cough that persists for weeks or is accompanied by a thick yellow or green mucous you should seek professional medical attention.
Awe some post Thank you for sharing