Do you have a survival or preparedness related blog that you want to add exposure to?

Or are you a writer without a blog, but think you have what it takes to blog?

If so, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page to submit a guest post or become a guest author account on The Survival Spot Blog.

Whats in it for you?

Exposure – The blog is growing quickly, but not without your help! Thanks to your efforts we are able to build a more objective resource with varying opinions. This growth is going to give you new opportunities to promote your website, books or other products.  Posts you write will now have: a pop-up info box on your name (which contains a bio and link to your site), an author image which will link to your author page (which contains your info, followed by all of your posts).

Community – You have a chance to do something that makes a difference. I have received countless e-mails from people who love the free information on the blog. We get to be part of something positive that only adds value to our lives and our communities.

What do you need to do?

Once you have been approved for an author account with us, all you need to do is create good blog posts.

Sign-up Now! – Click Here

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